A friend and I went to Artistic License at the Guggenheim. Six artists who had all been shown at the Collection became curators and chose art that they cherished, including some of their own works. We strolled up the spiral ramp to the top floor, taking time to look at various exhibits tucked into the nooks and crannies. These included Basquiat’s “Defacement” and Implicit Tensions: Mapplethorpe Now. Both exhibits were what you’d expect: edgy, verging on shocking but of course being a New Yorker I can never admit to being shocked. The Brancusi collection is always a treat. The different sculptures are beautifully placed so that space seems part of the art.

Cindy Sherman’s Scale Relationship Series – The Giant is weird and wonderful.

Quilts of remembrance were hung in the Judson Meeting Room to commemorate the victims of the AIDS epidemic.

Graphic Lessons: What do a thirty-four-year old, a nine-year-old and an eighteen-year-old have in common? Murder.
Millie Fitzgerald applies for a private school teaching job, faints on a dying man in the school kitchen, deals with a troubled nine-year-old and with the eighteen-year-old niece of the murdered man.
Graphic Lessons: Nine-year-old Dana is the only witness who overhears a person fighting with George Lopez, the soon to be stabbed Windsor School kitchen worker. Who can she tell? Her mother who never listens or accuses her of lying? Her father who’s started a new family in Singapore? She tells Millie.
Graphic Lessons: NYPD Detective Steve Kulchek is assigned the murder case at the prestigious Windsor School. What’s bugging him? His partner being stabbed ? His hated boss, Captain Dick Holbrook, being a trustee of the Windsor School? Losing his girlfriend to Holbrook?